
An overview on my history as a Reefer from police at the door to driving up interstate 71 with priceless livestock on the line.

Saltwater Fun

I doubt any human in the history of the saltwater hobby could predict the awkward situations that come from trying to keep such diverse and delicate creatures alive. I know I didn't.

I got into the hobby after a long bout of caring for freshwater turtles, red-eared sliders to be exact. For those of you that don't know, turtles are dirty. They have no concept of finishing their plate and can eat an obscene amount of goldfish. All of this makes for alot of nitrates and phosphates in the water column.

So coming from such dirty creatures I was not deterred by the talk on the forums about how hard keeping a saltwater aquarium was. Though no one warned me that the energy usage as well as the glow of the tank coing from the windows of my house would attract the local police. They knocked on the door with such confidence thinking they had the easiest bust for an illegal grow op ever. I could watch their faces go from excited to mad(because there was no drugs) back to excited when they started looking at the tank and all the diverse livestock.

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Jump to 4 years later in the hobby I made the choice to move to cleveland. This being only 4 hours away I was confident there would be no issue. Well I was wrong...

Categories: Saltwater, Fun Tags: #reefer, #salty